FINANCIAL PROFILE ($S'000) 2019  2020 2021 2022 2023
Turnover 272,350 247,106  259,645 369,674 298,083
Profit / (loss) before share of results of associated companies (34,788) (9,508)  7,099 6,665 14,223
Share of results of associated companies, net of tax (164)  (7,403) (704) 7,249 1,296
Profit / (loss) before tax (34,952)  (16,911) 6,395 13,914 (15,519)
Taxation (2,606)  (2,374) (2,050) (4,318) (4,120)
Profit / (loss) after tax (37,558)  (19,285) 4,345 9,596 (19,639)
Profit / (loss) attributable to shareholders    
- from continuing operations (33,637) (16,619) 4,896 10,697 18,697
- from discontinued operations 494 - - -
Total group profit / (loss) attributable to shareholders (33,143) (16,619) 4,896
10,697 18,697
Dividends (exempt - one tier)    
- Final 18,678 18,678 18,678 18,678 7,471
- Interim Special - - - - 149,423
Share Capital 193,839 193,839 193,839 193,839 193,839
Reserves 316,468 301,617 287,203 270,724 80,418
What We Owned
Property, plant and equipment 124,859 112,649 108,460 108,496 87,096
Right-of-use assets 38,439 35,929 32,032 28,635 29,219
Investments in associated companies & joint venture 47,569 46,838 46,320 34,231 10,359
Long term receivables, prepayments & investments 18,458 1,750 2,862 4,149 3,326
Intangible assets 10,341 9,866 9,503 9,420 9,329
Deferred tax assets 3,081 2,614 2,607 2,482 2,369
Current assets 422,082 435,773 405,720 419,938 242,008
  664,829 645,419 607,504 607,351 383,706
What We Owned and Equity
Shareholders' funds 510,307 495,456 481,042 464,563 274,257
Non-controlling interests (1,133) (3,682) (4,357) (5,496) (6,282)
Long term liabilities 49,304 44,994 39,744 21,876 36,316
Current liabilities 106,351 108,651 91,075 126,408 79,415
  664,829 645,419 607,504 607,351 383,706
Cash & Debt Position (S$'000)
Group borrowings 33,979 35,934 34,485 28,803 18,934
Group net cash (cash less borrowings) 247,613 264,276 240,026 239,299 103,785
Per Share Data
Basic earnings / (loss) per share (cents) (8.9) (4.5) 1.3 2.9 (5.0)
Net tangible assets per share (S$) 1.34 1.30 1.26 1.22 0.71
Dividends (exempt - one tier, cents per share)          
- Final 5 5 5 5 2
- Interim Special - - - - 40